Residences at Roland Heights

Residences at Roland Heights

Baltimore, MD

Stonewall Capital / Lennar Corporation

KCI provided site development and engineering services for Stonewall Capital, LLC, in partnership with Elm Street Development, to redevelop 10.5 acres of the former Hedwin industrial complex in Baltimore City into a community of 130 townhomes.

Leading the site development process, our team developed the project’s plan and record plat. Detailed construction drawings and specifications were delivered, covering all aspects of the development including building demolition, the construction of a new roadway network, and the installation of water, sewer, storm drain, and street lighting infrastructure. KCI also provided soil erosion and sediment control, grading, landscaping, and stormwater management.

The project included coordination with the public developers’ agreement documents, the on-site private infrastructure, and BGE. Our team also provided D.R. Horton with builder services for the townhome permits.