Despite a grading challenge, KCI delivered site/civil engineering and builder services for an 80-townhome development.
Located along the edge of a valley between a stream and a major road, the project site presented an immediate challenge: grading it to maximize the developed space. Using 3D software, our engineers graded the site and created a road/home lot layout that maximized the number of townhomes while providing walk-out basement conditions and balancing the earthwork. To meet Baltimore County community requirements, our team designed pocket open space amenities and landscaped areas. Stormwater management was designed as small micro-practices throughout the site, in addition to a larger pond to meet the quantity management requirement.
Environmental site design (ESD) practices for stormwater management mimicked the existing drainage and infiltration patterns. With micro-bioretention facilities and bio-swales, the team bypassed the large retention ponds and complex storm drain systems typical of townhome developments. Our design integrated environmental sensitivity, reducing the design footprint and maximizing usable green space.