KCI provided surveying and subsurface utility engineering services for this 37-mile circuit rebuild for Tampa Electric Company (TECO), which begins at a substation in the Fishhawk subdivision in southeast Hillsborough County and travels across various routes to the Polk Power Station in Southwest Polk County.
Surveying work included locating existing poles in maintained easements, as well as detailing easements that run through non-maintained areas. Our crews surveyed 37 miles of TECO, Polk County and Hillsborough County right-of-way in order to assist TECO engineers with their design of a new transmission line. The survey was completed using LiDAR GPS technology and conventional surveying methods. KCI’s survey team provided ground control for aerial LiDAR, field located wetlands, power plant, substation, utilities and pertinent improvements along the project route. Upon completion of the design phase, KCI provided construction layout for the maintenance of roads, pads, power poles and provided ongoing certified as-built drawings. KCI also established and placed monuments along the right-of-way lines and provided right-of-way maps showing said right-of-way lines.
Using ground penetrating radar technology, KCI provided TECO with accurate locations of existing underground utilities, data that would determine the location of new power poles. Our team prepared survey drawings of the proposed route, existing improvements along the route and underground utilities as located. KCI also prepared all permit drawings submitted to Hillsborough County, which included plan and profile drawings of all proposed facilities. The permit was approved after one submittal, and our subsurface utility crews assisted TECO during the construction phase of the project. Using our vacuum trucks, our team dug holes at the proposed location of poles and cleared the area for pole installation, allowing TECO personnel to place the pole structures without interfering with the existing underground utilities.