
Castanea Single-Family Residential Development

Baltimore County, MD

Cignal Corporation

KCI provided comprehensive site engineering services to redevelop a 230-acre country club site into a 40-home residential community.

Our team inherited the project after a different firm developed the first eight lots. We facilitated the project through the Baltimore County Phase 1 process and provided final infrastructure and support services engineering to custom builders involved in each estate lot.

The project presented unique design challenges related to forest conservation, stream buffers, specimen trees, environmental site design, and concerns with a neighboring community. KCI worked closely with Baltimore County’s Department of Environmental Protection to develop an environmentally sensitive design, utilizing some of the original site infrastructure, developing an intricate system of storm drain outfalls, and using micro-bioretention facility clustering, which maximized buildable site area.

Stormwater management requirements included ESD and 100-year flood control and had to protect the area’s watershed and biological ecosystem. KCI provided 133% of the required ESD volume for the site. The team also provided new facilities to manage the 100-year storm volumes and designed the site to have reduced impervious area, which reduced “hot spots” for pollutive runoff into the ecosystem.