KCI has served as the traffic and parking consultant to Belmont University since 2000, including developing the University’s master plan update and implementing the plan’s recommendations.
As part of the master planning process, KCI performed detailed parking lot occupancy studies to identify parking demand and occupancy levels and to determine the best location for future parking garages on the campus. The studies documented that campus growth had resulted in a shortage of convenient parking on campus and the parking demand from the campus has started to overflow into the surrounding neighborhoods. Recommendations focused on constructing structured parking on campus to alleviate the current shortages and also accommodate future growth planned for the University. These studies formed the foundation for the construction of an 850-space parking garage to serve the 5,000 seat Curb Event Center and an additional 350-space garage as part of the $18 million Gordon E. Inman Center that houses the College of Health Sciences and Nursing.
As part of two new campus building projects, engineers developed a plan for converting an existing all-way stop to a single-lane modern roundabout, integrated with an internal campus turn-around. Positioned on the campus perimeter at the time, the challenge was met with proper positioning and sizing, while negotiating existing residential constraints. Our team was responsible for all analysis and design of the roundabout. Nashville Metropolitan Public Works indicated that this design will serve as their template for all future single-lane modern roundabout designs.