The city of Baltimore utilizes Cityworks for managing work operations in the Department of Public Works (DPW) and the Department of Transportation (DOT).
The DOT utilized Cityworks hosted off-site by Motorola Solutions for tracking many of their work operations including street light maintenance, street cuts, and snow removal. In order to create a single and cohesive system, DOT contracted KCI to assist in migrating their Cityworks instance into the DPW’s Cityworks environment, which is hosted locally at the city. This provided many advantages, including leveraging the recent investments in IT infrastructure, allowing Cityworks to interface with other core city systems, and creating an enterprise city-wide solution for work management.
Our project team was responsible for tasks ranging from gathering user requirements to migrating data to the internal Cityworks infrastructure. KCI first worked with day-to-day Cityworks users to understand current “as-is” workflows. With these documented, detailed data migration planning was performed. Analysts then staged a test environment in which automated scripts and routines were developed and thoroughly tested to migrate data from Oracle to SQL Server.
As part of this project, KCI also provided critical support during snow season. This included developing customized user guides and standard operating procedures (SOPs), providing classroom training, enhancing reporting functions, and working onsite during all snow emergencies in the Emergency Operations Center.